Based on the article, “MP: Votes For 16-Year-Olds Raises Sex Abuse Risk” (, published in Sky News on 18 June 2015, Private Detectives at Oxford share tips to reduce the rate of minor’s abuse by controlling the wave of cyber-attacks plaguing the city.
The article published in Sky News on 18 June 2015:, talks about the statement made by a veteran labor MP about barring sixteen- and seventeen-year olds from voting. The reason given by the MP for the statement was to prevent the risk of sex abuse. The professional gives the argument that, if children aged sixteen and seventeen are given the right to vote, the individuals will be considered adults and not minors, thereby increasing the risk of rape and sexual abuse. Barry Sheerman, MP, argues that giving young adults the right to vote simply diminishes the concept of protection. Sheerman argues that the rate of sexual abuse is already very high given the number of eighteen-year-olds being exposed to sexual predators. The MP claims that, with a freedom of vote, the number of children exposed to merciless predators increases. According to the MP, giving a bunch of sixteen-year-olds the right to vote restricts the individuals’ youth. Under such a scenario, adolescents are treated as adults by the world at large. This triggers the minds of the sexual predators and exposes young adults to become victims of sexual assaults and rape. In order to prevent such a distressful state of affairs, the MP passed a statement to withdraw the right of sixteen-year-olds to vote.
Responding to the article published in Sky News, Private Detectives at Oxford ( shed light on the control of cyber-attacks in lowering the chances of sexual abuse. When young adults enter personal information on public profiles to cast votes, sexual predators gain direct access to the age, address and gender of the individuals. This automatically exposes the individuals to such predators. With the implementation of certain rules and bugs into government-based computers, the integrity of information entered into the computer systems can be protected. This way, by preventing the possibility to cyber-crimes and hacks, the information present on the database will be kept safe and young adults will be sheltered from the increasing risk of sex abuse.
Chief investigator at Private Detectives Oxford (, Chris Long, speaks at length about the value that must be given to the prevention of cyber-crimes. The expert says, “As a whole, we consider the concept of cybercrime only in reference to someone hacking someone else’s account to scare or harm them. In reality, the danger is far greater than that. Individuals can actually be traced; direct access can be gained into their personal computers, pictures and documents. In order to reduce the possibility of rape and sex crimes, cyber-crimes have to be prevented proactively.” The expert can be contacted via the company’s phone number (01865 930 124).
Other articles by Chris Long Chief Investigator at Private Detectives Oxford – Private Detectives At Oxford Speak Out About The Threat to Learners From Driving School Instructors With Careless Attitudes
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