Monthly Archives: June 2019


How Tatiana Kukanova Structures Her Writing

I have been friends with Tatiana Kukanova since we were in high school together and what brought us together was our love of reading and writing. After school, I decided to go down a different path from Tatiana Kukanova but we have always stayed in touch to talk about the hottest new novels or for [...]

By | 2019-06-24T12:47:55+00:00 June 24th, 2019|Business|0 Comments

How is artificial intelligence impacting the automotive industry?

Artificial intelligence is everywhere and it’s becoming more prominent as each year goes by. There are many examples of how AI is used in technology today. Streaming service Netflix is one of the biggest in the world and a great example of how we have been a victim of AI without even knowing! Netflix uses [...]

By | 2019-06-10T11:00:56+00:00 June 10th, 2019|Automotive|0 Comments