Monthly Archives: March 2021


Running a business from home: Creating space

More people than ever are working from home but it can be a real challenge to do Zoom calls with a backdrop of dirty dishes or to try to write reports squeezed in between a forgotten jigsaw puzzle and someone's half-eaten lunch. Having a dedicated space to work from has all sorts of practical and [...]

By | 2021-03-30T11:02:45+00:00 March 30th, 2021|Business|Comments Off on Running a business from home: Creating space

How to manage employee benefits online

For the past twelve months, it seems as though everything has moved online. Whether we’re ordering a meal, watching a theatre production, studying, working and even socialising, it has been done in an online forum. How has this translated within your workplace? With everything shifting to a more virtual platform, you may be wondering how [...]

By | 2021-03-06T16:17:16+00:00 March 6th, 2021|Business|Comments Off on How to manage employee benefits online