Private Investigators UK Talk about Personal Safety Online and About Certain Measures That Stop Cyber Bullying and Other Forms of Harassment Online

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Private Investigators UK Talk about Personal Safety Online and About Certain Measures That Stop Cyber Bullying and Other Forms of Harassment Online

After reading the article “Twitter Introduces Abuse-Blocking Filter” ( published in Sky News on 24 March 2015, the investigative team in UK share tips to avoid online abuse and harassment.

Private Investigators UK Talk about Personal Safety Online and About Certain Measures That Stop Cyber Bullying and Other Forms of Harassment Online

The article published on 24 March 2015 in Sky News, talks about a new feature that Twitter has launched to keep users safe from cyber bullying and threats. The feature is available to verified users at first, almost like a trial run, before the software is rolled out to the regular users. The filter works like a sift, using algorithms to detect threatening words and to decide whether it should be posted on the timeline of the user. The feature is only available as an app for smart phones and the user has the option of turning it off or on, as is desired.

Concerned by the article in Sky News, Private Investigators UK (, are anxious about cyber bullying and virtual crimes. Oftentimes, some of the most harmful crimes, such as stalking, are done through social networking websites like Twitter. The most common problem that people face when dealing with people who are abusive and threaten others on personal Twitter accounts, is stalking. The new feature helps the users block offensive remarks and comments from being posted on timelines and hopefully protect the users from psychological harm.

Chief Investigator of Private Investigators UK, Christie Moore, talks about the online safety of people using the internet. The Officer says , “People tend to disregard the seriousness of cyber bullying. The victim is often taunted, mocked, stalked and harassed online until the person is forced to close all the accounts. This makes personal pages intimidating and falls into the category cyber crime. People who do not feel safe online are withdrawn from social media sites and people who pester them, once they gain the courage to go online, are marked as criminals. It might not be something that is considered is serious, but to someone who is going through it will disagree. We emphasize with the need for protection on the internet for people who are being bullied, and are in full favour of the algorithm that Twitter came up with. Cyber Bullying is a crime as far as the local authorities are concerned. It is a form of harassment and the Investigators need not wait for it to get serious before they take action. Taking down someone who is harassing another person over the internet should be taken as a serious priority.” The officer further goes to say that the official ( telephone number is available to anyone desiring to learn more about online safety. Detective Moore’s ideals are strong and the private investigator is willing to help people who cannot understand how to deal with people who stalk or follow the victims online for the sole purpose of harming the person.

By | 2015-06-17T05:57:07+00:00 June 17th, 2015|Business, Business Services|0 Comments

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