Private Detectives At Glasgow Discuss How Proper Tracking Of Finances Can Help Save A Lot Of Trouble And Time

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Private Detectives At Glasgow Discuss How Proper Tracking Of Finances Can Help Save A Lot Of Trouble And Time

Based on the article written by Victoria Ward, “Millionaire sues son for ‘failing to repay loan’ for renovation” ( published in The Telegraph on 19 June 2015, the Private Detectives at Oxford talk about how effective financial management can help save a lot of time and trouble.

Private Detectives At Glasgow Discuss How Proper Tracking Of Finances Can Help Save A Lot Of Trouble And Time

The article written by Victoria Ward published in The Telegraph on 19 June 2015:, talks about a distressed father who lent nearly three hundred thousand pounds to a troubled son to renovate a home. George Staussi lent Arthur an extensive sum of money for the son to be able to renovate the house. It was agreed orally by the father and son that the money would be returned in cash. It was decided between the two that the money would be returned to the father by January, but no return has been made so far. The middle-aged son needed the money to fund the renovation of a house in Chessington. A large chunk of the money was paid in cash and remaining amount was charged on credit cards. Every year the son delays paying back the father, eight percent of per annum tax is increasing on the sum. The son is said to have bought a new property and is living there with a thirty five year old wife and three children. The property is worth four hundred and forty thousand pounds and the family has been living in the house since 2011. The evidence is being tested to ensure whether the offences are made against the forty two year old individual.

Based on the article published in The Telegraph, the Private Detectives at Glasgow ( discuss how proper tracking of finances can help alleviate a lot of familial quarreling and settle monetary disputes easily. The experts say that, with proper technology and precautions, all finances that are being handed out can be tracked. This way, any finances that have been given to any family member or friend, can be tracked and returned. With proper tracking, it is possible to monitor all the cash being removed from bank accounts and transferred. With proper expertise and knowledge, the experts can come up with proper evidence that helps distressed family members in times of financial crises.

The chief investigator at Private Detectives at Glasgow (, Hannah Gold, talks about ways in which finances can be secured without much trouble. The professional says, “There are many ways in which a simple financial exchange can lead to severe issues. When families lend money, they do not think it necessary to sign contracts or keep written evidence that marks the exchange. Our job is to ensure that, when something like this happens, the financial exchange can be traced to ensure people’s rights are not compromised and that they remain financially secure.” The detective can be contacted via the company’s phone number (0141 447 0042).

Other articles by Hannah Gold Chief Investigator at Glasgow Private Detectives – Private Detectives Glasgow Suggest Tips To Help Families Recover Missing Loved Ones And Pets Easily

By | 2015-07-05T09:03:41+00:00 July 5th, 2015|Business, Business Services|0 Comments

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