The crime report written by Siobhan Fenton published in The Independent on June 18, 2015 labelled, “Teenager killed after tracing stolen smartphone using mobile-tracking-app” ( served as an alarming awakening for Private Detective Leeds, who now discuss why these crimes happen and how to protect oneself against such incidents.
The article written by Siobhan Fenton published in The Independent on the 18th of June 2015:, discusses an incident whereby a teenage Canadian boy was killed after using a tracking application to hunt down a smartphone. The eighteen year old boy named Jeremy Cook took a relative to an unknown property site to confront the cell phone stealers after having left the smartphone in a taxi earlier. The confrontation took an ugly turn with Cook being shot multiple times, after which the perpetrators’ car sped off. The police are now on the lookout for the suspects and are urgently encouraging all citizens to contact law enforcement authorities, even though tracking devices have given great results in the past.
A report published in The Independent concerning a Canadian boy killed in an attempt to regain cell phone called for Leeds’ Private Detectives ( to perform a comprehensive analysis of cell phone crimes and how such crimes can be prevented. The detectives gave detailed expertise on the subject, including precautionary and preventative measures. Firstly, just as the report suggested, it is important that all such incidents are reported to law enforcement agencies. This allows the police to use more sophisticated methods of surveillance before any sort of action can be taken. Secondly, it is important that cell phone tracking apps are used only to locate phones and not the sites directly. The situation may be dangerous for unarmed and unprepared persons. The detectives analyzed that cell phone crimes were constantly on the rise due to poverty, and the reason why smartphones had an ever-rising value in the market cannot be ignored. It is suggested that citizens follow the advice as provided by the detectives and leave the situation be.
Ajay Patel, the Chief Investigator at Private Detective Leeds (, discusses the importance of reporting cell phone stealing crimes directly to police authorities. The detective says, “It is like an epidemic. We cannot seem to take control of the situation and innocent lives are at risk. However, we are trying to protect everyone in the best way possible. That kind of protection will inevitably stem from protecting yourself first and taking appropriate steps in a very rational manner. There are minor steps that can make a whole lot of difference altogether. For us, the most important step is to create as much awareness as we can. Once we have accomplished that, the more complex things come to play”. The investigator can be reached at the company telephone number (0113 335 0772) for further queries.
Other articles by Ajay Patel Chief Investigator at Private Detective Leeds – Private Detective Leeds Share Tips About Effective Ways To Minimize Losses When Conducting A Thorough Murder Case
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