Creating content that is search engine friendly needs a lot of time and effort. But it’s going to pay off in the end as long as you do it right.
High-quality content that’s search engine optimized increases your chance of ranking on search results.
The higher your website will rank on search engines, the more visibility you will get, which eventually leads to higher website traffic.
In this post, we’re going to talk about the eight practical tips on writing the type of content that stands out on search results.
Do keyword research
Before writing an article, or a blog post, you should know what keywords you want to incorporate. Then, you will choose the keywords that you would like to target based on your research.
Remember that you have to be strategic with the keywords that you choose. Make sure that you select the keyword that is relevant to the topic. Choose general keywords for a much broader audience, and pick the right keywords to target particular users.
Google’s Keyword Planner is a free online tool that you can utilize to find and analyze keyword lists. The keywords are needed to be used in the title, tags, headers, and the main body of the text.
Come up with SEO-friendly titles
Your title has a significant impact on your user-friendliness and SEO. To improve your chances of ranking high on search engines, here are some tips to optimize your titles:
- At the beginning of your title, use your target keyword.
- Ideally, your title should be under 60 characters. It’s because Google shows the first 60 characters on the search results.
- See to it that it describes the post content accurately.
Create unique and original content
Creating a content that’s unique and original doesn’t mean that you have to propose something entirely new or come up with something that nobody has thought about before.
Instead, it means that your content isn’t an exact copy of another source online.
Google can quickly identify duplicate content out there. So they won’t be ranking a web page with a copied content.
What they need is the type of content that answers most people’s queries and solves their problems by offering viable solutions. Also, the more unique web pages you have, the more likely will people come back because they’re happy with your content.
So, how do make sure that your content is unique before publishing it to the rest of the world?
Copyscape is an excellent tool that lets you enter pieces of texts. It will prompt you whether your content is completely unique or not. It also enables you to make changes until your content is 100 percent original.
Use Headings
Headings are vital not only for readability, but they’re great for your SEO as well. It also helps you with your ranking by giving search engines an idea on the main topics if your post is long.
So use subheading if you want users to navigate your articles easily. It helps users scan your page and have an idea of the content structure.
According to, you can also use your keywords in your subheadings, as well. Just make sure though that you don’t include it to every one of them. Doing so will make it look unnatural.
Mind the article length
In an average blog post, 300 to 500 words are the minimum word count. Meanwhile, the optimal content length is 2,000 words.
The thing is, Google prefers long-form content because it receives more likes and mentions on social media. Moreover, long-form content has a higher chance of ranking in search.
Always choose quality over quantity. Give your readers useful and informative content that will determine their search intent.
Include internal links
So let’s say that you’ve previously written articles and blog posts that are related to your current subject and topic. Then, it’s essential to link these articles and posts.
Usually, it creates a significant impact on your content because you demonstrate an influence on the subject. Placing links to your previous content also boosts your rank on search results.
Incorporate visuals
Images are great because they make your content easily digestible. They’re also fantastic for SEO because it’s another way to make it understand a particular page.
The following are the best practices for utilizing images in your content:
- Optimize the image size so that it doesn’t slow down your entire site.
- Utilize ALT text on images to describe what that it’s all about.
- Don’t use unrelated characters. Instead, use image file names.
- Only use images that you own.
Add an author bio at the end of each post
The internet isn’t anonymous anymore. So whenever you’re publishing content, you need to put the details about the author as well.
It’s crucial especially for sensitive topics like health and finance. By showing the author’s information, you’re showing that you’re credible and trustworthy. A best practice is placing an author bio box below your articles.
The Bottomline
It’s going to take a lot of time and effort to craft an SEO friendly content for your site. But the investment is going to be worthwhile over time.
So, follow these tips on how you can write SEO friendly content to give value to it. After all, creating high-quality content creates more leads, links, shares, and visitors.
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